Our homeschool journey started about 6+ years ago when we were deciding where to put Avery for kindergarten. We lived in a good school district but the school we were zoned for was a very low income school. I say this not to say all low income schools are bad. I know so many that are exceptional. But I did happen to have a friend who was teaching at this school and I had many conversations with her. I asked her if she had kids would she send her kids to her school. She said no. This combined with a tugging I had in my heart to keep Avery home for kindergarten sealed the deal for us. We prayed about it and decided we would try it for kinder and take it year by year after that.
A little background on me, I have a degree in Accounting and not education. I felt very incompetent going into this journey. I knew a handful of friends who also homeschooled so I immediately contacted them and started picking their brain. The two big curriculums I knew about from my friends were My Father's World and Classical Conversations. I researched both and felt like My Father's World would be the best fit for our family - especially with a newborn on board. Kate was born 6 weeks before we started Kindergarten with Avery. So I ordered the Kinder set from MFW and we jumped right in.
Has this been an easy or smooth journey? No. Have you ever tried to teach a strong willed 5 year old to hold their pencil correctly? Have you ever had to entertain a 3 year old while nursing a newborn and teaching phonics to a 5 year old? We have had our ups and downs. But it has so been worth it. And you know what? I now have a 5th grader, 3rd grader and brand new Kindergartener.
I started this blog to offer my insight on homeschooling and how it works for our family. And hopefully how it can work for yours. I want this to be a place you can come for encouragement and resources. Because let's face it, this world is short on encouragement right now. And there are so many resources that you can get easily overwhelmed. I hope this can offer hope and direction in this new journey you may be on. Stay tuned! I have lots more to share.
Thank you for sharing your journey so those of us new to homeschooling can glean from your experience ��